To begin with, we want to thank you for your insight ... This and your interest in our company will grow into mutual and mutually beneficialcooperation.
Company ADASTA s.r.o. was established in 2010. The main criteria for our activities are seriousness, reliability professionalism and human approach. We believe that they are the right ones to achieving our goal of building a long-term successful company with a reputation will guarantee the quality of services provided.
We believe that mutual satisfaction is a prerequisite for any successful and long-term cooperation of all stakeholders, so our effort is to approach the requirements clients individually to meet their expectations as much as possible. To all this it also includes adherence to agreements, treaties, moral and ethical principles, and decent behavior that is in favor of us of course.
We will be pleased to see for yourself our professionalism and qualities.
Konateľ spoločnosti: Ing. Stanislav ŽALUDEK, B.S.B.A. e-mail: telefón: (+421) 948 79 96 95
ADASTA s.r.o. Liptovská Sielnica 90, 032 23 Liptovská Sielnica IČO: 45633282 DIČ: 2023093009 Spoločnosť zapísaná v OR, Okr. súd Žilina, Oddiel: Sro, vložka: 53200/L
Bankové spojenie: Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s., Bratislava číslo účtu: 334699093 / 0900 IBAN : SK75 0900 0000 0003 3469 9093 BIC:( SWIFT) GIBASKBX